The Top App Retention Strategies That Work

Hanif Marwat
2 min readSep 4, 2022


As the mobile app industry continues to grow, so does the importance of retaining users. A study by Localytics found that the average app loses 77% of its users within the first three days after they download it. That number jumps to 90% after 30 days. With such a high drop-off rate, it’s clear that app developers need to focus on retention if they want their apps to be successful.

There are a number of strategies that developers can use to improve retention. One is to make sure the onboarding process is clear and concise.

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Why App Retention Strategy is important!

It’s no secret that mobile app development is a huge and growing industry. But with the vast number of apps available on app stores, it can be difficult for developers to ensure their app stands out from the crowd and keeps users engaged.

One key metric for measuring success in the mobile app world is the retention rate or the percentage of users who return to an app after using it once. A high retention rate is essential for long-term success, as it indicates that users are finding value in your app and are likely to continue using it.

There are a number of factors that contribute to a high retention rate, but one of the most important is creating a great user experience. If your app is easy to use and provides value to users, they’re much more likely to keep using it.

Another important factor in retention rate is regular updates.

Read app retention strategy complete on asobuzz

